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© Written in 1994 and Recorded in 1995 by Pete Deachman 

"Suits & Boots" CD


There's a river of dreams, flows through my memory

Takes me back 30 years ago

Among the trees, Jack Pine and Evergreen

Current River, rollin' home


Across the Black Bay Bridge over Current River

Feel the water spray, hear the rapids roar

Where the moss is growing heavy

on the north side of the Birch trees

And the River rolls to Lake Superior shore



River of Dreams flow through my memory

Take me back 30 years ago

Among the trees, Jack Pine and Evergreen

Current River, rollin' home


Early Sunday mornings, breakfast by the river

Flap Jacks, coffee in a can

Skippin' stones from bank to bank

River of Dreams I'd like to thank you

For your memories keep me younger than I am



River of Dreams flow through my memory

Take me back 30 years ago

Among the trees, Jack Pine and Evergreen

Current River, rollin' home


Now I've returned back to Current River

and I stand and stare as you rush by

And though the years have passed and gone

since I've seen you rollin' on

I feel as if we've never said goodbye 



River of Dreams flow through my memory

Take me back 30 years ago

Among the trees, Jack Pine and Evergreen

Current River, rollin' home ...


River of Dreams, Current River rollin' home !!


































AS A YOUNG BOY growing up in a small northern Ontario town, Pete developed a strong love of music and traditional family values which has carried him through his life with optimism and creativity that can be easily felt & heard through his vocals and instrumentals.


"I hadn't been back to the Lakehead in about 20 years, but I remembered almost everything about it. Not only can you go home again, you can get some great inspiration for a song or two."


In the early '90's, Pete was to return to his roots long ago established in the town of  Thunder Bay, Ontario and re-visit his old home and stomping grounds he loved the most, including the Prince Arthur Hotel where his great uncle Murray MacDonald once lived. He decided to rent a room there for his stay. Later that day, he walked the familiar streets he recalled as a young boy and noteably stopped at a small antique shop along the way. There he found a treasure - an old clock belonging to his Grannie before she had died and if that wasn't the best ever, an old booklet entitled "  ", containing the autographs of the entire cast of the popular Canadian TV show "Don Messer's Jubilee". unaware that the original autographs were in the book, the shop clerk rushed him off, asking Pete for one dollar in payment.  


His next destination would include the Black Bay Bridge area of Current River. He recalled the exciting picnics there with his parents, brothers and sisters and of course, Grampa Norman and Grannie Flora. "Grannie would prepare flapjacks at home and heat them at the park fo the family picnic", he recalled - their scent bringing a smile and fond memories as he recalled the story !!


As he continued walking through  familiar areas of the Park, he noted "the Birch trees and how the moss grew heavy over their branches on the north side" and then drew his attention to the "picnic table that once stood on a concrete bed of two cement pads. The table was gone now - only the rotted table legs remained as distant reminders, along with the date: 1956 carved into the concrete". 


"Current River" was born  that day out of great love and

special memories of


A year later, in 1994, Pete wrote the song and then recorded it the following year, in 1995. 


Everyone should have their own "Current River" and when you listen to the melody and lyrics of this very heartfelt song, it is sure to conjure up wonderful feelings, scents and magical moments


your days of youth !!



















Having entered "Norman's Ride" in the Chris Austin Songwriting Contest the previous year, Pete again entered his song, "Current River". The song was  judged by a panel of songwriters, and this time Pete once again won second place for his composition. This opened up new dimensions to his musical career, developing a stronger repoire with fellow artists and audiences alike !!


"CURRENT RIVER" was recorded by

Pete Deachman and Blue Mule


The Delaney Brothers from New York










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